Poker Terminology Ghosting

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Poker slang lingo, part 4 continues this gamerisms glossary dedicated to all passionate poker players.
  1. Poker Terminology Ghosting People
  2. Poker Terminology Ghosting Someone
  3. Poker Term Ghosting

This section includes poker slang lingo and terms that are unique to this popular casino strategy game. For example, Overpair, Play on Your Belly, Rock, Rush and Scoot.

Ghosting is an issue that once resided in a gray area of rules and ethics for online poker. Since there is not technically a one-player-to-a-hand-rule for online poker, it is nearly impossible to police ghosting in a culture that was built around sharing advice on instant messenger. Ghosting is low-key one of the most annoying modern dating phenomenons to every occur. Since the onset of dating apps, dropping in and out of someone’s life has become incredibly easy.When the. Is a fun one, usually said and even written just like the simple word goat. The popular phrase lends itself well to modification, like when Serena Williams’s husband took out a billboard calling her G.M.O.A.T. For Greatest Mother Of All Time when she played her first tournament after giving birth. Poker Terminology & Meanings. The game of poker has its own slang or “poker talk.” If you are new to poker, learning the poker slang will greatly improve your knowledge of the game. From the small blind to the straight flush, here is a poker glossary of the important poker terms to know. Act: check, bet, raise, or fold.

Term Understanding poker terms is critical to your game play, and this applies whether playing poker offline or online. Many of the terms below also apply to video poker, one of the most popular games at online casinos sites.

Poker Slang Lingo: N - O

  • No-limit: poker lingo for wide open betting based on each players chips in hand.
  • Nuts: the best of hands in the game thus far.
  • Odds: calculated probability of winning a specific hand.
  • Off-suit: cards that are not of the same suit.
  • On the Finger: monies received on credit.
  • On Tilt: going into wild play mode after a bad hand.
  • Open: player who makes the first bet in a round.
  • Outdraw: refers to receiving a better hand by drawing more cards.
  • Outs: refers to unseen cards left in the deck that could result in a better hand.
  • Overpair: refers to a higher pair than the best card on the board in flop games. Example: You hold KK and the flop is J94.
Poker Slang Lingo: P - QTerm
  • Paint: poker slang lingo for a picture card--Jack, King or Queen.
  • Pair: refers to two cards that have the same rank with a Pair of Aces topping the list.
  • Pass: refers to no betting or folding.
  • Passive Play: player who is not likely to bet and raise.
  • Pat: this hand is it, no further cards required.
  • Pineapple: poker version, known as Crazy Pineapple online, is similar to Holdem in that players are dealt 3 cards each and must toss 1 card after the flop is dealt.
  • Playback: action whereby a player raises an opening bet.
  • Playing the Rush: refers to a player who 'is on a roll' of good cards and pots won.
  • Play on your Belly: refers to legal play, no cheating.
  • Pocket Cards: refers to cards dealt face down.
  • Position: poker term for a player's position at the table in reference to betting. Example: early position means that player is the first to bet.
  • Post: to bet or wager chips in the pot or a position directly in front of you at the table.
  • Pot: winning hand(s) take the spoils, either all the money in the middle of the table or a share of the pot in certain games.
  • Pot-limit: refers to the maximum bet/raise that is of no greater value than the total pot.
  • Pot Odds: refers to amount of money in the pot versus the amount of money required to call a bet.
  • Proposition Player/Shill: refers to the casino/card room hired help whose duties include filling up tables or jump-starting games.
  • Protect: poker lingo for increased betting or otherwise attempting to eliminate players who could outdraw your hand.
  • Quads: four of a kind—a very sweet hand. Example: 4 queens.
  • Qualifier: refers to the minimum standard a hand must meet to qualify for all or part of the pot. Example: with Caribbean stud poker, the dealer must have a minimum hand of ace/king to qualify and continue the round.
Poker Slang Lingo: R
  • Rabbit Hunting: jargon for looking into the future as to what cards would have been if the round had continued. Do you want to see if you would have received that Full House? Some poker rooms forbid this hunting.
  • Rabbits: poker jargon used for weak or amateur players.
  • Rack: poker slang lingo for tray that holds poker chips.
  • Rags: term for cards coming your way that do not help your hand.
  • Raise: poker term for wagering more than the last bet thereby increasing the bet for other players in the game.
  • Railbirds: spectators or lookie-lous watching the action.
  • Rake: a percentage and/or flat fee deducted from the pot after each betting round for the casino services. These services include a dealer and equipment
  • Rank: value of a set of cards.
  • River: poker term for the last cards dealt in a game of Holdem, Omaha or 7-card Stud.
  • Read: skillful players use this method to predict cards held by other players.
  • Re-buy: purchasing additional chips after initial buy, if tournament rules allow.
  • Represent: term for wagering in a specific way that tells you have a specific hand.
  • Riffling or Zipping: method used to shuffle cards before dealing.
  • Road Gang: poker jargon for a gang of cheating players.
  • Rock: player who raises or folds and rarely calls, thus playing few hands.
  • Rock Garden: poker lingo for a game consisting of tight players.
  • Round: can mean either a betting round or round of poker hands.
  • Rounder: skillful player who makes a comfortable living playing poker—a dream job for many poker players.
  • Round of Play: a segment of game play that includes dealing, betting and a declared winner.
  • Royal Flush: the best of the best, sequence of AKQJ10, all in the same suit.
  • Running: you receive the cards you need from the last two cards dealt.
  • Rush: poker lingo for a big win quickly—truly a rush.
Poker Slang Lingo: S
  • Sailboats: poker jargon for a pair of fours starting hand.
  • Sandbag: strategy used to check and then raise the opener to increase the pot.
  • Scare Card: jargon for a dealt card that may produce a better hand. For example, a third card in an outside straight sequence (Jack, 10 and 9).
  • Scarne Cut: refers to cutting the cards by taking a bunch of cards from the center of the deck and putting them on top of the deck.
  • Schoolboy Draw: amateur draw, not using sound judgment.
  • Scoot: poker lingo for sending some pot winning chips to another player.
  • Seat Position: refers to the position of a poker player in accordance to other players. When it comes to betting in poker, position can be an advantage if you are the last to bet in a poker round.
  • Seconds: lingo about the cheater who deals the second card instead of the top card.
  • Semi-bluff: the difference from a bluff is that a semi-bluff has a higher certainty of a win.
  • Sequence: refers to cards of consecutive value, example: 56789 straight.
  • Session: term for time span for poker games played.
  • Set: refers to 3-of-a-kind to include two in the hole or a method of play for paigow poker whereby cards are set into two hands of low-hand=2 cards and high hand=5-card.
  • Shiner: cheaters use these mirror-like devices to view unexposed cards.
  • Shorthanded: refers to a game where there are only a few players.
  • Short Pair: refers to a pair that is lower than the openers.
  • Short Stack: situation where a player does not have sufficient chips to cover the betting at the table.
  • Short Stud: poker slang lingo for 5 rather than 7-card stud poker.
  • Shotgun: game where betting begins once the third card is dealt.
  • Shove them Along: version of 5-card stud poker where every player can either play the first upcard or pass to the next player.
  • Showdown: poker term to describe the end of betting where a winner is declared by a show of hands by the remaining players.
  • Shuffle/Shuffling: mix up those cards before starting another game.
  • Side Pot: occurs when a player is unable to match the bet made, but continues play of the game. This pot is for players who have the funds and want to bet more. Winner of the side pot goes to the best hand from the players who participated.
  • Slowplay: strategy to under bet an excellent hand.
  • Slowroll: don't you just hate those players who ever so slowly, roll out their hand while the other participating players await the result?
  • Smooth Call: method of holding back a raise in order to call additional bets with a very good hand.
  • Snap Off: you call the bluffer and beat him/her with a not-so-hot-hand—'tis a sweet deal.
  • Snarker: player who wins and taunts the loser—bad manners and strategy rolled into one.
  • Soft Play: poker lingo for intentionally going easy on a player.
  • South: poker slang lingo for player folding as in Going South.
  • Spikes: here comes that stunning pair of Aces again.
  • Splash the Pot: player who tosses chips in rather than putting them in front.
  • Spread Limit: poker term for fixed minimum-maximum bets allowed per round.
  • Squeeze Bet or Squeeze Raise: poker term for a third player with a weak hand who is in the middle of the squeeze and it's costing him/her because of the larger bets made by other players with better hands.
  • Stack: poker term for total of all your chips.
  • Steal: winning the pot by bluffing—a card sharp's specialty.
  • Stenographers: Four Queens, also know as Administrative Assistants in the pc world.
  • Still Pack: term for the deck set aside two card decks are used.
  • Stonewall: player who remains to the bitter end holding a weak hand.
  • Straddle: refers to doubling the blind wherein the player betting becomes the bigger blind. He/she who bets the straddle then bets last in the pre-flop round.
    As a straddle is designated as a blind, not a bet, the player can then raise if everybody calls his/her straddle.
  • Straight: refers to 5-card sequence, example: 78910J.
  • Straight Draw: refers to the game of draw poker that does not require openers.
  • Straight Flush: beauty of a hand that has 5-cards of consecutive rank and are the same suit, example=78910J of clubs.
  • Streak: run of either winning or losing hands—what streak do you prefer :-)
  • Stringer: poker slang lingo for a straight.
  • Stripping: refers to a method of shuffling/changing the order of the cards in a deck.
  • Suicide King: poker lingo for the King of Hearts as the card displays a sword poised to the head.
  • Suit: refers to the 4 suits in a deck of cards—clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds.
  • Super Stud Poker: another name for Caribbean Stud Poker and Casino Stud Poker, however, with a Progressive Jackpot
Poker Slang Lingo: T
  • Table Stakes: we are talking money here in reference to the amount a player places on the table that cannot be changed during the hand.
  • Talon: poker slang lingo for the rest of the deck after the deal.
  • Tap or Tap Out: you have bet all your money and if you lose, you are tapped out.
  • Tell or Tell play: refers to a player giving out signals or 'telling' about his/her hand.
  • Thirty days or Thirty miles: poker jargon for 3 tens.
  • Three of a kind: 3 cards of the same rank, AAA.
  • Tierce: refers to a three-card straight flush.
  • Tiger: poker lingo for a low hand to include 23456 or 7.
  • Tight Player: poker term for a cautious player who rarely bets on weak hands.
  • Trap: poker lingo for a situation where a player may have to call a big raise to stay in the game.
  • Trey: refers to the 3-card with 3 pips.
  • Two-card Poker: version where the best 2 cards are winners.
  • Two Pair: refers to a 5-card hand that includes two different pairs, QQ773.
Poker Slang Lingo: U - Z
  • Underdog: card contest wherein the underdog is usually the loser.
  • Under the Gun: refers to the first player's action once the blind bets are completed.
  • Unlimited Poker: no bet or raise limits in this game.
  • Washing the Cards: the dealer blends the deck of cards in a circular motion with both hands before a shuffle is performed.
  • White Meat: poker slang lingo for profit or money made with the game of poker.
  • Wild Card: card(s) that can sub for any other card to improve your hand.
  • World Series of Poker WSOP: the granddaddy of all poker tournaments played at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Vegas yearly. A gold bracelet awaits the winner.
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This 1822 newspaper describes how strings, secretly attached to bowling pins, allow an accomplice to ensure a cheater receives higher bowling scores.

Cheating generally describes various actions designed to subvert rules in order to obtain unfair advantages. This includes acts of bribery, cronyism and nepotism in any situation where individuals are given preference using inappropriate criteria.[1] The rules infringed may be explicit, or they may be from an unwritten code of conduct based on morality, ethics or custom, making the identification of cheating conduct a potentially subjective process. Cheating can refer specifically to infidelity. Someone who is known for cheating is referred to as a cheat in British English, and a cheater in American English. A person described as a 'cheat' doesn't necessarily cheat all the time, but rather, relies on deceitful tactics to the point of acquiring a reputation for it.


A small cheat sheet can be used to cheat during an academic examination.

Academic cheating is a significantly common occurrence in high schools and colleges in the United States. Statistically, 64% of public high school students admit to serious test cheating. 58% say they have plagiarized. 95% of students admit to some form of cheating. This includes tests, copying homework, and papers. Only 50% of private school students, however, admit to this. The report was made in June 2005 by Rutgers University professor Donald McCabe for The Center for Academic Integrity. The findings were corroborated in part by a Gallup survey.[2] In McCabe's 2001 of 4500 high school students, '74% said they cheated on a test, 72% cheated on a written work, and 97% reported to at least had copied someone's homework or peeked at someone's test. 1/3 reported to have repeatedly cheated.'[3] The new revolution in high-tech digital info contributes enormously to the new wave in cheating: online term-paper mills sell formatted reports on practically any topic; services exist to prepare any kind of homework or take online tests for students, despite the fact that this phenomenon, and these websites, are well known to educators;[4]MP3 players can hold digitalized notes; graphing calculators store formulas to solve math problems.[5]

The Chinese civil service examinations, the main route to career success for literate men in imperial China, was bedeviled for centuries by rampant cheating and examiner-bribery, as detailed in books like the Ming-dynasty Book of Swindles.[6]

Sport, games and gambling


Cheating in sports is the intentional breaking of rules in order to obtain an advantage over the other teams or players. Sports are governed by both customs and explicit rules regarding acts which are permitted and forbidden at the event and away from it. Forbidden acts frequently include performance-enhancing drug taking (known as 'doping'), using equipment that does not conform to the rules or altering the condition of equipment during play, and deliberate harassment or injury to competitors.

A 2012 investigation by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) found that Lance Armstrong had used banned performance-enhancing drugs over the course of his cycling career

High-profile examples of alleged doping cheating include Lance Armstrong's use of steroids in professional cycling - particularly controversial as it is widely suspected that a high percentage of professional cyclists are using prohibited substances - Ben Johnson's disqualification following the 100 metres final at the 1988 Summer Olympics, and admissions of steroid use by former professional baseball players after they have retired, such as José Canseco[7] and Ken Caminiti.[8] A famous sporting scandal involving cheating via harassment and injury occurred in 1994 in figure skating when Tonya Harding's ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, and her bodyguard Shawn Eckhardt, hired Shane Stant to break Nancy Kerrigan's leg to remove her from the year's competitions and prevent her from competing with Harding. One of the most famous instances of cheating involving a prohibited player action occurred during the 1986 FIFA World Cup quarter-final, when Diego Maradonaused his hand to punch the ball into the goal of EnglandgoalkeeperPeter Shilton.[9] Using the hand or arm by anyone other than a goalkeeper is illegal according to the rules of association football.

Illegally altering the condition of playing equipment is frequently seen in bat sports such as baseball and cricket, which are heavily dependent on equipment condition. For example, in baseball, a pitcher using a doctored baseball (e.g. putting graphite or Vaseline on the baseball), or a batter using a corked bat are some examples of this. Tennis and golf are also no strangers to equipment cheating, with players being accused of using rackets of illegal string tension, or golf clubs of illegal weight, size, or make. Equipment cheating can also occur via the use of external aids in situations where equipment is prohibited - such as in American football via the use of stickum on the hands of receivers, making the ball easier to catch. An example of this is Hall of Famer Jerry Rice, who admitted to regularly & illegally using 'stickum' throughout his career, calling into question the integrity of his receiving records.[10][11][12]

Athletic cheating is a widespread problem. For example, in professional bodybuilding, cheating is now estimated to be so universal that it is now considered impossible to engage in professional competition without cheating and the use of supposedly banned substances; bodybuilders who refuse to take banned substances now compete in natural bodybuilding leagues.[citation needed]

Cheating may also be seen in coaching. One of the most common forms of this is the use of bribery and kickbacks in the player recruitment process.[citation needed]Such practices are widespread all across athletics, and are particularly visible in college sports recruitment. Another common form of cheating in coaching is profiteering in association with gamblers and match fixing (see also the section below on cheating in the gambling industry). The most famous coach of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Runnin' Rebels basketball team, Jerry Tarkanian, was accused of both recruitment fraud and gambling fraud over the course of his career and was the subject of intense NCAA scrutiny. Another form of this involves a team coach or other manager undertaking corporate espionage or another form of prohibited spying in order to obtain details about other teams' strategies and tactics. The 2007 New England Patriots videotaping controversy, in which the New England Patriots were found to have videotaped an opposing team from an unapproved location while trying to obtain defensive signals. As was the Pittsburgh Steelers use of, at the time legal, performance enhancers. However, there was cheating proven by the Denver Broncos during their back to back titles in the late 1990s to circumvent the league's salary cap and obtain and retain players that they would otherwise not have been able to. Circumvention of rules governing conduct and procedures of a sport can also be considered cheating. a form of collusion.

An example of cheating via judging collusion occurred in the 2002 Winter Olympics figure skating scandal when the Russian team was awarded a gold medal over the Canadian team in an alleged vote-swapping judging deal; the Canadian team's silver medals were eventually upgraded to gold at a second awards ceremony and the French judge was suspended for misconduct. The head of the French skating federation was later also suspended, and both were banned from the 2006 Olympic Games.[13] The International Skating Union modified its judging system as a result of this case.

Cheating is also used to refer to movements in strength training that transfer weight from an isolated or fatigued muscle group to a different or fresh muscle group. This allows the cheater to move an initial greater weight (if the cheating continues through an entire training set) or to continue exercising past the point of muscular exhaustion (if the cheating begins part way through the set). As strength training is not a sport, cheating has no rule-based consequences, but can result in injury or a failure to meet training goals. This is because each exercise is designed to target specific muscle groups and if the proper form is not used the weight can be transferred away from the targeted group.[citation needed]

Video games

The Action Replay card allows Amiga computer owners to cheat in videogames

In video games, cheating can take the form of secret access codes in single-player games (such as the Konami code[14]) which unlock a bonus for the player when entered, hacks and exploits which give players an unfair advantage in online multiplayer games and single-player modes, or unfair collusion between players in online games (such as a player who spectates a match, removing limitations such as 'fog of war', and reports on enemy positions to game partners).

Attitudes towards cheating vary. Using exploits in single-player modes is usually considered to be simply another form of exploring the game's content unless the player's accomplishments are to be submitted competitively, and is common in single-player games with a high difficulty level; however, cheating in multiplayer modes is considered immoral and harshly condemned by fair players and developers alike. On one hand, cheating allows casual players to complete games at much-accelerated speed, which can be helpful in some cinematic or one-player games, which can take a subjectively long time to finish, as is typical of the Role-Playing Game (RPG) genre. While this may be seen as a hasty advantage causing no damage to anyone, in a multi-player game such as MMORPGs the repercussions of cheating are much more damaging, breaking the risk/reward curve of the game and causing fair players to lose online matches and/or character development. Cheating in those types of games is generally prohibited - though often widespread anyway. In many circles, the purchasing of items or currency from sources outside the game is also considered to be cheating. The Terms of Service from many games where this is possible, directly prohibits this activity.[citation needed] One area where there is little consensus involves modern Free-to-play business models which support and are supported by the exchange of real-world money for in-game services, items, and advantages. Games that grant excessive advantages only available to paying customers may be criticized as being 'Pay to win'[15] - sometimes considered a form of 'cheating' that is actually legitimatized by the system - whilst games that limit real-money purchases to cosmetic changes are generally accepted as fair.

Another form of video game cheating is when a player does things to interact with game objects that are unforeseen by the programmers and break the intended function or reward system of the object. This can involve the way enemies are encountered, objectives met, items used, or any other game object that contains a software bug. One common example is the exploitation of errors in an enemy's pathfinding; if a player can cause an enemy to become 'stuck' in a given terrain feature, that player can then usually dispatch the enemy from a distance without risk, even if much stronger, and achieve greater rewards than the player is intended to be able to at that level of progression. Another example was common in early first-person shooter games and involved skipping a weapon's reload timer by quickly switching weapons back and forth without actually reloading the weapons; resulting in what was effectively instant reloading. It also can be accomplished through means of altered game files are substituted for the normal files, or image graphics changed to permit greater visibility of the targets, etc. - for example, replacing the colors on a dark-colored enemy intended to blend in with the background with a bright color permitting instant visibility and targeting. Generally speaking, there is often some concern that this is not truly cheating, as it is the fault of the programmers that such an exploit exists in the first place. However, technically, as with live sports, it is cheating if the player is not playing the game in a formally approved manner, breaking unwritten rules. In some cases, this behavior is directly prohibited by the Terms of Service of the game.[16]


Cheater with the Ace of Diamonds, by Georges de La Tour

The wagering of money on an event extends the motivation for cheating beyond directly participating competitors. As in sport and games, cheating in gambling is generally related to directly breaking rules or laws, or misrepresenting the event being wagered on, or interfering in the outcome.A boxer who takes a dive, a casino which plays with secretly loaded dice, a rigged roulette wheel or slot machine, or a doctored deck of cards, are generally regarded as cheating, because it has misrepresented the likelihood of the game's outcomes beyond what is reasonable to expect a bettor to protect himself against. However, for a bookmaker to flatter a horse in order to sell bets on it at shorter odds may be regarded as salesmanship rather than cheating, since bettors can counter this by informing themselves and by exercising skepticism.Doping a horse is a clear example of cheating by interfering with the instruments of the event under wager. Again, not all interference is cheating; spending money to support the health and well-being of a horse one has wagered on is not in itself generally regarded as cheating, nor is improving the morale of a sportsman one has backed by cheering for them. Generally, interference is more likely to be regarded as cheating if it diminishes the standard of a sporting competition, damages a participant, or modifies the apparatus of the event or game.[17]

In the world of gambling, knowing a secret which is not priced into the odds gives a significant advantage, which may give rise to a perception of cheating. However, legal systems do not regard secretly making use of knowledge in this way as criminal deception in itself. This is in contrast to the financial world, where people with certain categories of relationship to a company are restricted from transacting, which would constitute the crime of insider trading. This may be because of a stronger presumption of equality between investors, or it may be because a company employee who also trades in the company's stock has a conflict of interest, and has thus misrepresented himself the company.An advantage player typically uses mental, observational or technical skills to choose when and how much to bet, and neither interferes with the instruments of the game nor breaks any of its rules. Representatives of the casino industry have claimed that all advantage play is cheating, but this point of view is reflected neither among societies in general nor in legislation. As of 2010, the only example anywhere of a type of advantage play being unlawful is for an advantage player to use an auxiliary device in the U.S. State of Nevada, whose legislation is uniquely influenced by large casino corporations. Nonetheless it remains a widely held principle that the law should not impose any restraint over the method by which a player arrives at a playing or betting decision from information held by him lawfully and which he is not debarred from under the rules of the game. In 'hole carding', a casino player tries to catch sight of the front of cards which are dealt face-down according to the rules.One way of cheating and profiting through gambling is to bet against yourself and then intentionally lose. This is known as throwing a game or taking a dive. Illegal gamblers will at times pay sports players to lose so that they may profit from the otherwise unexpected loss. An especially notorious case is the Black Sox Scandal, when eight players of the 1919 Chicago White Sox took payment from gamblers and intentionally played poorly. Another happened in boxing when Jake LaMotta famously took a dive against Billy Fox in order to obtain his entry to a championship match against Marcel Cerdan, a deal offered by the mobsters who controlled professional boxing.


Various regulations exist to prevent unfair competitive advantages in business and finance,[18] for example competition law, or the prohibition of insider trading.

The most extreme forms of cheating (e.g. attempting to gain money through outright deceit rather than providing a service) are referred to as fraud.

See also

  • Unfair competition, in business


  1. ^'California State University, East Bay'. Archived from the original on 2013-06-29. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  2. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 2018-04-28. Retrieved 2018-04-25.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  3. ^The Case of the Purloined Paper by Brigid Schulte
  4. ^''(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  5. ^Reader's Digest, pp. 123-7, March 2006; Cheating: 'but everybody is doing it'.
  6. ^'Type 20: Corruption in Education,' in Zhang Yingyu, The Book of Swindles: Selections from a Late Ming Collection, translated by Christopher Rea and Bruce Rusk (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2017), pp. 142-163.
  7. ^'Canseco:Steroids made my baseball career possible'. 2005-02-17. Retrieved 2009-11-19.
  8. ^'Sports Illustrated:Steroids in baseball'. 2002-06-23. Archived from the original on 2009-02-26. Retrieved 2009-11-19.
  9. ^''. 2005-08-24. Archived from the original on 2009-08-14. Retrieved 2009-11-19.
  10. ^
  11. ^Media, Charles Curtis For NJ Advance (February 6, 2015). 'Who's cheating now? Jerry Rice admits to stickum use after New England Patriots comments'. nj.
  12. ^'Yahoo Sports NFL'.
  13. ^'Three-year Ban for Skating Judge'. BBC News. April 30, 2002. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  14. ^'Gradius Cheats & Codes'. IGN. Retrieved 29 July 2016.
  15. ^'Separating Free-to-Play and Pay-To-Win'. Retrieved 2014-01-26.
  16. ^'California State University, East Bay'. Archived from the original on 2013-06-29. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  17. ^'California State University, East Bay'. Archived from the original on 2013-06-29. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  18. ^'Unfair Competitive Advantage [Energy] Law and Legal Definition USLegal, Inc'.

External links and further reading

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Cheating

Poker Terminology Ghosting People

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cheating.
Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article Cheating.

Poker Terminology Ghosting Someone

  • Callahan, David (2004). The Cheating Culture. Harvest Books.
  • 'Cheating in Contracts - A $30 Million Case of Corruption'. FBI News. Archived from the original on 2016-03-06.
  • Green, Stuart P. (2006). Lying, Cheating, and Stealing: A Moral Theory of White Collar Crime. Oxford University Press.
  • Levitt, Steven & Dubner, Stephen J. (2005). Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. William Morrow/HarperCollins. ISBN0-06-073132-X.CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)

Poker Term Ghosting

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